More documents

Before I moved to DC, I submitted several records request. The documents arrived about a month after I sent the forms, and my parents sent me everything before their two week trip to Europe, which they’re currently enjoying as I write this blog.

For this batch of documents, I focused on my great-grandfather’s birth, marriage and death certificates. Unfortunately, Davir Orr and his less-than-stellar employees at the Cook County Records Office didn’t certify two of the three documents, even though I explicitly wrote in a detailed letter that all document have to be certified in order for the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice to recognize them as official.

I explained this in an earlier post, but Illinois has a whacky law — one of many — that makes any birth certificate older than 75  years old, any marriage certificate older than 50 years old and any marriage certificate older than 20 years old not an officially certified document. These two uncertified documents, stamped in red ink on the back, are “FOR GENEALOGICAL PURPOSES ONLY.” Every time I read the stamp on the back of the documents I hear Gilbert Gottfried shrilly screaming those words, followed by an “Aflac” or two.

So, per usual, Illinois government is making my life rather difficult. Meanwhile, my girlfriend in Iowa can call up random hamlets in Luxembourg where my ancestors lived more than 100 years ago, and the local officials in these small towns can find everything I need in a day, certify it and send it to me through the mail free of charge. Strange how that works.

For anyone hoping to obtain dual-citizenship in Luxembourg as an American citizen who resides in a state other than Illinois, be grateful to your relatives. Illinois is notorious for corruption, money-sucking politicians and suspicious fires that destroy records departments.

Anyway, before I bore everyone with one of my rants, here is Francis Albert Eischen’s vital records.

Mail time is the best time when you’re applying for Luxembourg dual-citizenship

What is this in my mailbox?! TWO items for me … one from the Cook County Vital Records Office and the other from Feelen, Luxembourg.

What’s inside this envelope?

Luxembourg has the most stylish stamps on the planet.

It seems to be …

… my great-great-grandfather’s birth certificate — at least I’m pretty sure it is. My German ain’t too bad; I can easily read my great-great-grandma’s birth certificate from Enscherenge. However, the writing on this document is difficult to read.

How did this end up in my mailbox?

Yes, right … SARAH CALLED LUXEMBOURG AGAIN (inserting shameless plug for her blog right HERE).

Now on to the second envelope from David Orr’s office.

This must be a letter informing me none of my records could be found.

OK, let’s get this over with. I open the envelope, look inside and find …


certified copy of my great-great-grandma’s death certificate?! I thought I screwed up and ordered a genealogical copy, which the Ministry of Justice in Luxembourg won’t accept?

Another record?!

A 115-year-old marriage certificate for my great-great-grandpa and great-great-grandma?! It looks like this document is issued only for genealogical purposes, but I can purchase a certified copy later.

I submitted the request last week on Wednesday. I received the documents yesterday, exactly a week later.


Impressive, Cook County. Very impressive.

This is very good news. Each week, I will send out a records request for one relative. I have six more people with documents in Cook County, and then my mom’s birth certificate and parents’ marriage certificate in Winnebago.

Could I get all the birth, marriage and death certificates I need by the end of September?

It’s time to get to work.


One does not simply walk into David Orr’s Office …

… actually, one does, and one will tomorrow. So shut it, Boromir.

I’ve read enough and assumed too much about obtaining the documents I need for this project. I’m taking the bull-in-a-china-shop approach, and I’m going right into the Cook County Vital Records Office and asking myriad questions. I refuse to listen to elevator music for hours on a telephone waiting line, and I’d rather the employees in David Orr’s office see the face they will come to fear and possibly loathe for the next few weeks, if not months.

I’ve already filled out one request form for my great-great-grandma’s marriage and death certificates. Those two documents themselves will cost more than $30 … and that’s barely a dent in everything I need.

I edited Grandma Eischen’s information because she prefers that no one knows her age. Her elusiveness in matters of age have prevailed to this very day, except for her close family who does not wish to divulge her secret. I don’t think her best friends even know her actual age. Now that she has an account on Facebook, she can easily access the blogs I post on my Wall, so I won’t blow her cover.

But seriously. If I’m counting correctly, I still need 13 more certificates (marriages only count as one, Grandma and my parents are alive and the generous residents of Enscherange, Luxembourg, have sent my great-great-grandma’s certificate free of charge). I also don’t necessarily need Peter’s birth certificate as long as I have Susanna’s, but I might be able to unearth it in Mertzig now that Sarah found Susanna’s birth certificate rather easily in Enscherange.

I also forgot about myself in this sprawling Luxembourgish family tree. But obtaining a copy of my own birth certificate won’t be too difficult.

Luckily I have a bit of money saved up for the expense. In the long run, this investment will mean cheaper — if not completely free — admission to museums and other benefits as a citizen of Europe.

Even if I don’t submit requests for everyone tomorrow, I can at least familiarize myself with the process of requesting forms and how the bureaucracy works. Ideally, I want all the records in a folder by the end of September. Does this sound unrealistic? Perhaps, but it’s not as crazy as Newt Gingrich colonizing the moon.

Holy smokes, I just realized something when I inserted the above picture into this post. Guess who’s sitting in front of the sardonic April Ludgate on Parks and Rec? It’s the Model United Nations Ambassador for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The Moon and Luxembourg would make an impenetrable coalition, backed of couse with money, moon rocks, Dennis Hastert and Newt Gingrich.

We’ll see what happens tomorrow.


CONFUSION: I need help

Are there any Americans out there who have applied for dual-citizenship via a recovery of nationality law?

Please, let me know. As an American applying for dual-citizenship in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, I need to put together a packet of birth, marriage and death certificates that shows the Ministre de la Justice that I am in fact a descendant of a Luxembourger.

Finding my Great-great-grandpa Susanna Eischen née Schmitz birth certificate proved a difficult task that accomplished only after many hours of online research, invaluable information from relatives and my bilingual girlfriend who is crazy enough to call government agencies in small European countries at 2 a.m. CST.

However, an even greater obstacle looms on the horizon: dealing with Illinois state and county bureaucracies.

Why do I need to interact with these Illinois bureaucracies in which happiness, creativity, efficiency and commonsense all go to die? Well, I need those certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates for my relatives. The earliest record I must obtain was issued for November 24, 1897, when my great-great-grandparents were married in Chicago.

However, the websites I’ve perused have only confused me further about how I’m supposed to obtain these documents.

For starters, Illinois statute allows for the obtainment of familial birth certificates under these conditions:

Birth records are not public records and only the following are eligible to receive certified copies:

  • The person named on the record if 18 years or older;
  • The parent(s) shown on the record; or
  • A legal guardian or legal representative of the child. Written evidence of guardianship or legal representation is required.

Uncertified copies of birth records for genealogical purposes are available to individuals who may not otherwise be entitled to receive a certified copy, if the person’s date of birth precedes the current date by 75 years or more. Birth certificates filed before 1916 must be obtained from the county clerk. (List of county vital records Web sites or county clerk addresses)

A CERTIFIED copy of a birth record of a deceased individual, which occurred less than 75 years ago, may be available to eligible parties upon completion of a special application form and showing proof of death. A GENEALOGICAL copy of a birth record of a deceased individual, which occurred more than 75 years ago, may be available to eligible parties upon completion of a special application form and showing of proof of death. Eligibility will be determined upon receipt and review of the documentation submitted. You may request this special application form at or by writing to …

Blah blah blah.

OK, this isn’t too bad. Those younger than 75 are my parents, who can get their own documents. Everyone else is dead and older than 75. I’m not sure about it, but I don’t think I can use genealogical records for my application (unless anyone can refute this). I believe I must have certified copies.

As for marriage certificates:

Certified copies of marriage records are available from the county clerk in the county where the marriage occurred. (List of county vital records Web sites or county clerk addresses.) The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Division of Vital Records does not issue certified copies of marriage records.

For a $5 fee, IDPH, Division of Vital Records can verify the facts of a marriage that has taken place from 1962 through the current index date available. Verifications can be obtained by mail, by fax or in person.

For death certificates:

Contacting the appropriate County Clerk — Copies of death certificates may also be obtained from the county clerk’s office in the county where the death occurred.

Most of the documents are stored at the county level. Luckily, most of the births, marriages and deaths in the Eischen family were issued in one central location, Cook County. Those that didn’t — my mom’s birth certificate and mom and dad’s marriage certificate —  can be found in Winnebago County, which is a 30-minute drive north to Rockford.

As for the Cook County records, that could be a 30 minute drive sans traffic, a two-hour drive with traffic or an hour-and-twenty-minute train ride. After mistakenly purchasing $120 in train passes via a Metra ticket machine, I should probably chew up some of the remaining rides.

So, what exactly does David Orr’s Cook County say about obtaining the certificates?

Genealogy Records

The Cook County Clerk’s office provides non-certified copies of vital records for the purpose of genealogical research.

To order online, visit the Clerk’s website Genealogy Online.

Please note, the Chicago Fire of October 8, 1871 destroyed all county vital records prior to that date.

Under Illinois law, genealogical records are defined as:

  • Birth certificates older than 75 years.
  • Marriage certificates older than 50 years.
  • Death certificates older than 20 years.

All genealogical records issued by the Clerk’s office are considered non-certified documents and stamped “For Genealogical Purposes Only.”

Document Cost
Birth $15; and $4 for each additional copy
Marriage $15; and $4 for each additional copy
Death $17*; and $6* for each additional copy
*Effective July 1, 2012 per PA 97-0679

If you are uncertain of the exact date of birth, marriage or death and want us to search more than one year, include $1.00 for each additional year you want searched, up to a maximum of 10 years.

Other sources you can contact directly may be helpful in your search and locating state file numbers:

Requesting a record

ORDER ONLINE and download immediately at

To obtain a genealogical record, you must:

  • Fill out and sign a Genealogical Request Form*.
  • Pay the required fee (see above).
  • Mail or deliver the form to the Cook County Clerk’s office:

Mail your request to:
Cook County Clerk David Orr
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Attn: Genealogy
P.O. Box 641070
Chicago, IL 60664-2570

Include the following items:

  • a completed Genealogy Request Form*
  • a check or money order payable to the Cook County Clerk
  • a self-addressed stamped envelope

For more information


Essentially, if they can’t find want I need, the charge is nonrefundable. I don’t care so much about the price to acquire this genealogical proof, but it’s the principle of having to fork over that much money for pieces of paper that prove my family existed when I’m pretty damn sure I know they exist. It’s even worse knowing that this money goes directly to the office in charge of elections in Chicago. That’s unsettling.

I am also confused by the “certified” versus “genealogical” differentiation in certificate copies. The State of Illinois and Cook County consider documents older than 75 years to be genealogical. I’m assuming these are easier to obtain than certified documents. But, as stated on the County’s website, “All genealogical records issued by the Clerk’s office are considered non-certified documents and stamped ‘For Genealogical Purposes Only.'”

OK, but I need birth certificates older than 75 years, marriage certificates older than 50 years and death certificates older than 20 years . So is there a way to get certified versions of these certificates? Or do I get the certificates and then find someone in the County or State to notarize all the documents to make them official? Or will the genealogical records acceptable for my application?

Who the hell knows.

Even if I obtain the right documents, it will slow down my application process excruciatingly. Once I put together all these birth, marriage and death certificates, I need to hire a professional translator to translate all of the documents into either German or French, the languages used for official government paperwork in Luxembourg (this actually should take about a week or two, which isn’t too long). But before I can do that, I need to find 21 birth, marriage and death certificates.

I thought this would’ve been easier.

It’s not so much the wait that perturbs me. It’s the fact that the parliament in Luxembourg might vote on a bill or present a referendum to the citizenry that could potentially alter the law to include stricter provisions on language requirements. This would complicate the process.

Does anyone out there have advice?

For the weekend, I’m taking a break on the project. I should mull over how to approach this next step. I also need to write a list of agencies and departments to call. Hopefully someone can provide clarification on the matter.

But if anyone out there, perhaps an Illinoisan who has applied for dual-citizenship in any country, could assist, I would appreciate the help tremendously.


Luxembourg Citizenship: PHASE 1

Before I talk about the next step in becoming a citizen of Luxembourg and the European Union, first I’m going to deviate from the main purpose of this blog and recap my wonderful weekend.

On Saturday, I traveled west on Lake Cook to Ravinia Festival and listened to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform Mahler’s Six. It was a smash hit, if you get my gist. I also found some interesting speech bubbles in my concert program.

I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell … and slapstick.

The next day I went movie-hopping, or “plexing,” with my sister Cori. Originally we had planned to see three movies, but I couldn’t leave AMC 30 without having seen The Amazing Spider-Man. So, between 3:10 and 11:15, we watched four movies.

We bought tickets for Moonrise Kindgom, a beautifully shot movie with Holden Caufield-esque characters and typical Wes Anderson quirkiness I will never consider stale (especially Bill Murray getting drunk in only his pajama bottoms and drunk-chopping down a tree).

But some obnoxious woman in the back row kept piercing little holes in my ear drums with her high-pitched laugh. The chortles shout of out her mouth so shrilly that whenever I wanted to elicit a chuckle at the same time she laughed, I just couldn’t. Instead, I focused my energy on cringing and shooting her a death stare that, of course, she couldn’t see in the dark of the theater.

The next movie, Ted, played like an hour-and-forty-six-minute Family Guy episode with the same jokes and even the same voice actors, but this time they were starring in live-action roles. Considering Seth McFarlane’s propensity to rehash material, I delighted in knowing I didn’t waste $17 to see that movie.

After Ted, we quickly shuffled across the hall to see The Amazing Spider-Man. Even though it’s a shameless reboot of a superhero series barely a decade old, I prefer the grittiness and acting of this movie to the Sam Raimi’s first three. I still love the first series (minus Spider-man 3, which is the Vietnam of superhero movies). Oh, yes … did I mention Emme Stone is in it? Muy bueno.

I’m learning a bit of French. This gif makes me think and say, “Je suis excité.” And if you haven’t translated that sentence from when I included it in the first blog post, then you need to get a French dictionary pronto.

Unfortunately, the web-slinging, mad-scientist-turned-reptilian-psycho, Emma-Stone-laden fun of The Amazing Spider-Man was corrupted by a rude audience. The couple next to us kept pulling out their iPhone and texting their lazy friend who used the letter “r” instead of the word “our.” Throughout one humorous scene, the woman would laugh, the man would mumble something in Spanish as if he were perplexed, and she would start explaining to him what had happened in Spanish. Why had he not asked questions during the first 20 minutes of the movie? He knew no English, and she was going to translate the rest of the movie, or at least the parts he liked, for him. Wishing I had web-shooters wrapped around my wrists so that seal their mouths shut with webbing, I raised my left hand to block them and their bright iPhone out of my periphery. Eventually, the gentleman gave up trying to understand the English-speaking actors, so he resumed playing a game on his iPhone. My guess is that they weren’t paying for their movie; they left during the obligatory battle scene between the hero and villain.

Meanwhile, people around us had sneaked in giant Target grocery bags full of snacks. Whenever they reached into their giant plastic sacks to pull out whatever they were eating, they ruffled through their bags with the same ferocity of my mom trying to find her ringing cell phone at the bottom of her purse. The entire theater echoed with the cacophony of garbage bags, Spanish, underfed children and cell phones vibrating in cup holders. My head circled around my neck to see all the violators of the peace.

“You bastards … Emma Stone is talking! HOW DARE YOU. Chewing on popcorn should not register 150 decibels.”

The unbearable noise of popcorn crunching started messing with my mind. I about had it when the chubby kid from the back row kep stampeding up and down the theater’s stairs. I felt a mental breakdown looming, so I focused my attention on Emma Stone and went to a happy place.

I suppose I can’t complain. I didn’t pay for the movie. In fact, I cheated “the man,” also known as Harvey Weinstein, out of $17 x 3 = $51.

After enduring the noisy bastards in theater three, we walked to our last scheduled movie, Brave, a Pixar film that turned out pretty good.

But man, sitting for eight hours can be exhausting. #firstworldproblems

I must now turn my attentions to the true purpose of this blog: Luxembourg citizenship. After taking a break for several days, it’s back to business.

In case you’re new to the blog, I’m embarking on a quest, sans rings or Hobbits or horcruxes, to obtain dual-citizenship in Luxembourg, a petite country in Europe that proves size doesn’t matter — or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

According to the CIA World Factbook’s entry on Luxembourg, the landlocked Grand Duchy boasted an impressive $84,700 GDP per capita in 2011, thanks to the country’s strong banking and financial industry. Luxembourg ranks No. 3 in GDP per capita behind Qatar, an absolute monarchy with rich gas and oil reserves, and Liechtenstein, which is still ruled by a rich-as-f@#$ European prince.

In addition to its people being affluent, Luxembourg also offers a picturesque landscape. I might actually go to Sunday service if it were in this hillside church:

“This church is built into the hillside on which it perches. One of the reasons the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has survived as an independent state for a thousand years against such powerful neighbors as Germany and France, is that the area is eminently fortifiable.”

Anyway, Luxembourg is rich, beautiful and cultured. My next step in applying for Luxembourg citizenship is officially called PHASE 1.

Did I name it myself? No, but it sounds like a stage in the diabolical plan of a genius, so I won’t rename it. According to Article 29, phase 1 requires the following:

You must submit proof that:

– Your ancestor was Luxembourger on the date of 1 Jan 1900 (GOT IT)

– You are a direct descendant of that ancestor (I’M TOTES A DIRECT DESCENDANT)

– Documents to submit to:

The Ministry of Justice (Certificat de nationalité)
19, rue Erasme L-2934

– At this stage … the documents in English will be accepted without translation in French or German. (I NEED TO PUT THESE DOCUMENTS TOGETHER)

The ancestor to which the first item refers is my Great-great-grandma Susanna, or Susan, Eischen née Schmitz, pictured here with her husband, Peter, her son, Albert Francis — which my grandpa mislabeled as “Albert L,” which is actually his own middle initial — and daughter, Katherine Eischen née McBride:

She — dead since 1963 and buried at St. Henry’s in Chicago alongside Peter — was born in Enscherange, Luxembourg.

Courtesy Doug Pedersen from

After several months of research and help from my Great Aunt Mary Lou and proficient-in-French girlfriend, I finally found Susanna’s birth certificate, the document that proves she was born in the Grand Duchy prior to 1900. In addition to the birth certificate, I must also provide her death certificate. According to the law, she must have started pushing daisies after 1900. A close look at her tombstone, as well as several other certificates, shows Susanna kicked the bucket in 1963.

I’ma give that requisite a nice “√.”

“But even though she was born in Luxembourg before 1900 and died after 1900, she lived in the U.S.,” I thought to myself. “Does that mean I’m ineligible?”

Not at all, I found out.

Although she applied for U.S. citizenship and renounced her Luxembourg citizenship, a Powerpoint presentation — given to me by Pamela Schroeder — states that “the fact that a person applied for naturalization in the US is irrelevant to the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice.” To view the entire presentation, click here to view the Powerpoint in a public Google doc I created.

So, now that the hard work of searching for and notarizing my great-great-grandmother’s birth certificate is complete, I must now show my connection, via documents and an organized family tree, to Susanna Eischen, and then I must present preliminary proof, which is then followed by a more in-depth explanation of my connection to Susanna that I bring directly to the Ministry of Justice in Luxembourg.

Most of the following will be a recap of a previous post, but this time I want to include faces to the names I’ve mentioned throughout my posts.

Before I go back into the 19th century, I need to give credit to my Grandpa Eischen, whose interest in family history made possible this hunt for a 140-year-old birth certificate. Before he died in 2006, he compiled several volumes of family history. In his first volume covering 1890 to 1943, he wrote a forward. It says:


This album is comprised of documents and literature of public and family events of the Eischen and Pinnel families since the late 1880s. I have also compiled associated photo albums of family, friends and activities under separate cover.

Notations herein are based upon relationships to me, (Albert Lee Eischen), which hereafter may be abbreviated as “Al E.” Until I was about 20 years old, I was usually called “Albert Lee” or “Albert” much to my chagrin. A symbol “~” preceeding a date indicates approximate because of uncertainty of the date. A lesson to be learned: If a document is worth saving, put names, date, etc. on the document immediately.

This effort is dedicated to my ancestors and all their descendents. Hopefully, succeeding generations will find the contents interesting.

Al Eischen

As a member of a succeeding generation, I find it very interesting and even more useful to my citizenship project. His album contains photos, certificates, Hungarian bank transactions, newspaper clippings, his childhood drawings and variety of other documents that in some way record the Eischen family’s history, as well as the story of the Pinnels, my great-grandma Eischen’s family. He also provides commentary on how the times then were better than now. One page features a large photo of Jesus, and on a sticky note on the bottom right-hand side of the pages in his all-caps penmanship, he wrote:

People of this period were more religious than today.

After the forward, the first page of the album contains a group photo taken in Luxembourg with my Great-great-grandpa Peter Eischen siting on the far right.

Great-great-grandpa Peter Eischen sitting with townspeople. Where? My grandfather’s caption does not provide the answer, and I’m too afraid of peeling the photo off the album page in fear that I could rip or damage it. Don’t they look happy?

Peter Eischen’s son, Albert Lee Eischen, or my great-grandfather, is pictured here in his wedding tuxedo:

Albert Francis Eischen

And this is his wife, Theresa Eischen née Pinnel, in her wedding dress:

Theresa M. Eischen née Pinnel

In addition to these lovely wedding photos, I found a love note from Albert Francis to Theresa:

Chicago, Ill.

Nov. 4 – 1929

Dear Theresa,

No doubt you and all who were present last nite have formed a wonderful opinion of me. There’s no question as to your being justified in doing so because I’m about the most stubborn fool anyone could ever me.

Personally, I was never more embarassed in my life, actually being on the verge of walking out of the room. Altho my embarassment was great, your’s must have been heap’s greater.

As much as I dread to say this, dont you think, that in order to save yourself from the same predicament again, you forget your even met me. No, I would’nt want you to forget me altogether because I think the world of you. As I write this letter, I dont hesitate to say my affection for you is as great, perhaps greater, than ever.

Why, should I be in the way when I’m not capable of giving you the enjoyment you deserve? Please dont misunderstand. I dont mean to say you ever showed any signs to that effect.

I dont believe it necessary to repeat, that I [really] enjoyed such company as yours and if ever I can do any favors for you, I’ll be glad to do so. Trusting you will understand and hold no grievance against me, I remain,

Confidentially yours,


P.S. Not being much of a correspondent, I hope you’ll understand enough to convey the meaning within me.

Please destroy this letter

The photos in the album also highlight how different, and horribly racist, people were. Someone on my Great-grandma Eischen’s side enjoyed acting and theater. This Sue Pinnel, however, was a person of her time, when racism and bigotry were tolerated. I’m not sure her relation to me, and the notes my grandpa left only further the ambiguity. Here she is pictured, in blackface, with others in the production.

Oprah does not approve.

The rest of the album is stock full of family history. In upcoming posts, I want to write more about individual members of my family and their stories. Albert Francis Eischen worked as a milkman and was chosen for a series of advertisements at the Bowman Dairy Company. Mike Pinnel, my grandpa’s uncle, served during World War II (and not as a Nazi, THANK GOD!). He manned low-flying balloons called barrage balloons that made attacks from enemy aircraft more difficult. He also spoke German and worked at a POW camp somewhere in the U.S. I’ll save these fascinating family stories for later posts.

In the meantime, I’m going to revisit some childhood memories and play another hour or two of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Äddi, for now!